Hello guys, today my motivational mind has brought me to my blog!
I guess you probably know I'm studying for my GCSE exams at the moment (hence why I haven't had the time to post much!). They are super close now - like scarily scarily close!! 16 days to be exact!
What you probably don't know about me (unless you know me), is that I suffer with panic and anxiety from time to time. This started last summer when I did my first set of modular GCSE exams and has kind of continued since. Although, I will admit it has improved greatly since last year, as before Christmas I couldn't even go to school or get on a sodding train without a panic attack! I am extremely proud of how far I have come (thanks to zoella), and although it's nowhere near as bad now, I still carry out little regimes to minimize worry so that it doesn't come back!
One of the things I decided to do this morning, as I was copying up my exam timetable. I realised I needed something to look forward to, and what's better to look forward to than 2 and a half months of summer break?!? So I came up with this - my summer bucket list! A short list of things I'd like to do this summer!
I'm sure I'll add to it as more come into my head and I'd love to keep it as part of my blog to record and update you on how these things are going! (I'm thinking of making it like a series of blog posts througout the summer? Any snazzy ideas for a name for the series - comment!)
Here goes:
☼ complete my wreck this journal
☼ go on a camping trip
☼ all-nighter with my besties
☼ tie dye a t shirt
☼ visit Paris
☼ visit Brighton
☼ go shopping in Bicester
☼ go to Windsor
☼ have a tour of Buckingham palace
☼ have a cream tea and pimms party
☼ blog blog blog!
☼ read all the books I need to read for A level English!
☼ pass all my GCSEs
☼ cook a meal for my friends
☼ have a BBQ with my friends
☼ get the best tan I’ve ever had
☼ dip dye my hair
☼ get my second hole pierced (ears you dirty buggers!)
☼ go on a picnic
☼ go to a theme park
☼ post photos/keeks every day! (find me on keek: jesslavie)
☼ spend lots of time with my cousins
☼ totally re-clean my bedroom
☼ burn some old revision notes hehe!
☼ have a spa day with besties
☼ write a diary of the summer (have decided whether to make it private, or on my blog?)
☼ keep a scrap book of my summer
☼ pretend to be french for a whole day
☼ get a job
☼ take my old clothes to a charity shop
☼ hold a 'come dine with me' competition with friends
Like I said, that is just a few of the ideas I have for this summer! What are you doing with your friends? Comment below and maybe give me a few ideas to add my my list!! Also comment series names - make em snazzy!
♥ See you as soon as I can (hopefully with a prom post?!), and I wish you all the best of luck in any exams you may be taking too!♥